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The Quality Living Medical Alert Promise

A medical emergency, fire, or home invasion can happen to anyone of any age, at any time. While landlines and cell phones may not always be within reach, our trained and professional medical dispatchers will assess your situation and contact Emergency Medical Technicians, Police, Fire Rescue, Family, or Friends at the push of a button.

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  • Fixed Pricing
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Easy Setup
  • On Call 24/7/365
  • Free Shipping

"Come as a customer, leave as part of our family"

Thank you Quality Living Medical Alert. My mother was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease and experienced an episode yesterday. Unfortunately, she was nowhere near her cell phone. She pressed her personal help button and spoke to an EMD. She is now at FMC hospital recovering. Thank you, Quality Living Medical Alert for allowing my mom to live independently!

Peter R.

I live in the desolate countryside. One snowy day, I took a walk and accidentally slipped on a patch of ice. If I didn’t have my Quality Living Medical Alert eResponder around my neck—I would have laid there for days in the bitter cold. Unfortunately, I broke my hip but thankfully, with the push of a button, the local volunteer fire and rescue got to me quickly. Thanks, QLMA!

Rosa B.


Quality Living Medical Alert carries a complete line of medical emergency alert systems so that you can find the product that is right for you and your lifestyle.

Get The Facts

Quality Living Medical Alert is a Personal Medical Alert & Emergency Response Service for seniors, individuals who live alone, and those with active lifestyles. They are also for the physically challenged, disabled, visually impaired, people with limited mobility, and those recovering from major surgery, a fall, heart attack, or hip replacement. Many of us have pre or newly diagnosed medical conditions that could require immediate medical attention, such as epilepsy, seizures, strokes, heart conditions. An emergency can happen to anyone at any time. If you’re unable to reach a phone it could be hours or days before help arrives. With Quality Living Medical Alert, paramedics, police, fire department, and your friends and family are the push of a button away.